With the realization of the importance of critical thinking, more and more people are
getting are trying to learn ways to Develop critical thinking skills. In order
to develop critical thinking skills one has to really apply themselves. It is
not enough to read books and information about how to develop critical thinking
skills. To ensure that you develop critical thinking skills, one has to put the
instructions into practice.
Long term memory
and critical thinking skills go hand in hand. Especially when studying for
academic purposes, long term memory and critical thinking skills can come in
very handy. Someone who has long term memory and critical thinking skills tends
to master concepts faster than someone who does not. It is therefore important
for students to take up long term memory and critical thinking skills.
Thousands of
scholars have touched on the subject of critical thinking. Even more have
suggested various strategies that can be applied by an individual in order to
develop critical thinking skills. This entails provoking the mind to delve
further in a phenomenon and not to pass judgement based by the surface value.
In comparison to
a regular thinker, a critical thinker will have various important attributes. A
regular thinker is someone who does not take the time to stand back and go
through the various stages of thinking before coming up with a conclusion.
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A critical thinker is
normally open-minded. This means that when you develop skills for critical
thinking, you will be able to think outside the box. It widens the scope of
your thought and curbs mental myopia.
A critical thinker will
not accept something just as it is stated without questions. They will always
question every fact and only take a certain stand after drawing credible
evidence that proves that they stand they have taken is accurate.
When in a problem
solving scenario, a critical thinker will not want to make rush decisions. They
will take their time to analyse and take in every possible angle of the
situation before they can suggest any solution. This is a very important
attribute to have even in day to day life.
A critical thinker will
therefore be in a position to provide a solution as well as a systematic way of
doing it. In case it’s a complex situation or even an exam question, they will
be able to know what to do first and what to do last.
Click here to see more on critical thinking and other research papers.