You already know there
is a need to have critical thinking skills. Having basic critical thinking
skills is not enough; you must also understand what building critical thinking
skills entails. This does not only require you to understand the tips of
thinking and writing critically, you need also a list of critical thinking
skills you want to develop. It is always advisable to have a rubric or have
your goal written on a paper. Having a list of critical thinking skills you
desire to develop will act as a constant reminder.
What goes into building critical thinking skills?
The first step towards building
critical thinking skills is establishing your areas of weaknesses and strength
through undertaking a critical thinking and writing test. Once this is
accomplished, the following steps will significantly add to your endeavor:
the obvious- do not always take what you
are told at face value. Take time to question what is presented. Read in
between the lines. If you analyse a statement critically, you may realize there
is little or no relationship between the variables under investigation.
not always accept authority- different sources
usually appeal to authority to boost credibility of their information. The
authority may be someone you like or respect, but there is no harm in analyzing the information presented.
objectivity- in the course of your
writing, you realize that you can lose focus or become subjective. This
emphasizes the need to have a rubric or list of critical thinking skills you need
to develop objectivity and to be at the top. You can choose to take a break
then revisit your work, or you can give an independent person to evaluate it.
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out for stereotypes- stereotypes are generalized biased statements about something or somebody. They may be true or
otherwise. Be on the lookout to make sure that any decision you make or
position you take is not influenced by stereotype.
for consistency- a logical conclusion is
usually accompanied with consistency of facts. Consistency implies that a
different person can follow the same steps you took to arrive at the same
yourself with valid information-
you may have facts, but they can be irrelevant in the current setting. Develop
a reading culture to know the most recent developments in your field.
When you are building
critical thinking skills, take critical thinking skills tests regularly to know
what you need to include or remove from your list of critical thinking skills.
To learn more or get assistance on writing critical thinking papers please click here.